ShiftFit offers performance fitness programs designed to improve your endurance, strength, and physique.
"I've done ShiftFit workouts off and on for over two years, and I cannot say enough about how awesome this program is. It's smart, methodical, and you will not get injured! You WILL outperform any of your current records after going through any of the ShiftFit programs (LIGHT, ENDURE, COMPLETE, and the latest program, STRONG!)"
- Johnna Brynn
"I CANNOT believe how strong I feel. I keep thinking, “whose body is this and where did Jonathan put mine??” I ran a 10:38 mile on week 1. On week 9 I did it in 6:43. I still feel new to the weight lifting, but my confidence and strength have really grown..."
- David Huffman
"I have improved all of my lifts with ShiftFit. The genius behind the STRONG program Jonathan has created a masterpiece. It is all based on hormonal, neurological, biological, and physical responses. I thought I knew a lot about weightlifting until I met him. I'm so so blessed to have found ShiftFit.
-Tricia Prehn
"I went from 180lbs at the start to 189lbs today. My back got a lot bigger and I have noticed a decrease in lower back injuries that have plagued me in the past. My ShiftFit Decathlon score went up tremendously due to my legs and core getting stronger. I'm going to tell all of my football friends about this program. It was awesome!"
- Garrett Palmer